Tuesday 12 April 2011

Fight for love and happiness

Semua orang nak bahagia. Tapi adakah semua dapat orang dapat kebahagiaan tu? Bukan semua dapat kebahagiaan kalau tak di cari dan tak diperjuangkan. Well, fight fo your love, fight for your happiness. Then you will be happy. Tapi ade orang kata, cinta dan kasih sayang tu tak bermakna kalau takde duit, takde harta. Well, duit dan harta boleh di cari kalau berusaha. Tapi kebahagiaan? Kau boleh cari kat tepi jalan ke? Kalau boleh cari kat tepi jalan tu bukan kebahagiaan, tapi nafsu. 

Well it's hard to fight for your love and happiness when it involves family. Lagi2 bila dulu pernah bekawan dengan orang yang da ade keje bagus and kononnya da ade jaminan masa depan. Well,terjamin ke?? Masa depan kita tak boleh nak predict. Secara ekonomi, yes memang terjamin. But hati? When it comes to love, compassion, tolerate tu takde? Camne? adakah tu satu jaminan masa depan? Takkan belaku perpisahan ataupun penceraian bila da kawen? Well, we don't know. 

When it comes to love, fight for it.  Fight for your happiness and what you think is right for you. Not just listen to what other people said or think. Especially when it involves family. If you find that someone else is better and can make you happy and also can guide you, explain it. Or make them understand. Kita da besa untuk buat keputusan sendiri. Bukan hanya ikut telunjuk je.

Because when you believe in something, that's makes you strong. And when you believe in love, you're strong when you're together. you can through all the hits that comes to you.

Harta, pangkat tu semua hanya sementara. Untuk apa dan tujuan apa kalau kejar kan yang tu semua? Tapi kalau tak memahami, Takde sayang? Kite je memahami dia, dia langsung taknak cuba faham kita?? What's the point?

We should find someone that always be there for you no matter how far he is or even close. Always makes you feel that he always right there beside you. Tak kira masa susah atau senang. Face it together. That's what love and happiness about. And of course, love him because of himself.

don't let love go~~

So please, if you already find someone that always be with you, appreciate. Don't ever let go. Cause it only happen once in your life.

just saying : just wanna be happy with him. And he is the right person. I know that he can guide me and took care of me.

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